Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday Update: Chasing Bumble Bees and Other Dangerous Pass Times

~Mommy: No update about the shelter today. I didn't end up going. I haven't been feeling good, so I was told to just stay home. Why haven't I been feeling good? Well the doctors THINK it's allergies. I've been having ear pain and have been dizzy since September. I've been to three different doctors about it and in June will be going to an ear/nose/throat specialist. First two doctors told I have fluid in my ears and it could be allergies. They told me to try an allergy medicine. I've taken Zyrtec, Allegra, Allegra-D, and now I'm back on Allegra. No improvement. I went to a third doctor Friday and finally got some prescription medicine for this! She said it is allergies. The only thing she did differently than the other doctors was look in my nose. If it was really that simple, then I am seriously pissed off about this whole thing. 

It'll take a few weeks for the medicine to start working. I'm not feeling any better yet, but I'm not necessarily feeling worse. For the past few days my ears have been in incredible pain(main reason we went to the doctor again) and today I just felt like I was going to pass out. Anyway, enough about my pain and what not. I could go on and on forever about my medical issues that have affected me in the past year. 

So haven't done much yet today. I took Woody out for some loose leash training this morning. He's doing AMAZING. We've graduated from only walking in the yard to walking down the driveway(1000ft+ and shared with neighbors) with dogs barking and chasing us and making it all the way to the road. We could have gone for longer, but he had had way too many treats. 

Cherry's been causing trouble a lot today. Earlier she kept running at me all stiff legged wanting to play. Crazy girl. She was running all over the house, meowing. She does this funny thing where she runs across the room and slams her paws on the door to stop herself. All you hear is claws scraping on the floor and then BAM! Sometimes she meows too. It's adorable. 

Then she climbed under the cloth on our coffee table and just sat there like a little pig in a blanket. I wanted to get a picture, but as soon as I got up to grab my camera, she started to follow me. 

Later I was upstairs lying down when I started to feel icky and she decided the best way to make me feel better was to stand on my stomach. Not the best when you feel like you might be sick. She's such a good nurse, isn't she? After a little while she curled up on me.

Then she spotted the bumble bee. We have giant bumble bees outside and one ended up getting the house. Now when I say giant, I mean these things are the size of a quarter. She had a blast with this new toy. It was buzzing all around and making so much noise! Of course, it then drew attention to the hornets that were crawling around on the windows too. She probably spent a good 15 minutes chasing the bee. My dad ruined the fun when he came up and killed it. 

Right now she's stalking a hornet. Dumb cat. I'm surprised she hasn't been stung yet.

Poking the bee. Ignore the dirty windows...

The stare down.

Sorry for the brightness...It's hard to adjust when below the windows is dark as heck.


Poking again. Note the hornet next to her.

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