~Mommy: Cherry was being a little brat about this whole thing. I put the catnip on the table while I rolled up the toys (Watch toy tutorial here). She then jumped onto the table and started tearing into the catnip bag almost spilling catnip everywhere. I gave her some and that kept her occupied for about a second. Then she was back again. After a while she gave up and started rolling around on the floor. Who knows what that was about.
She left me alone after that. I had a bunch of scrap fabric in a bin and hid the toys and the catnip bag in the bin under the fabric. Later I came back to find this:
Little brat had taken out one of the toys and was playing with it. Thing is, I had even given her one before! That one was on the other side of the room, untouched. I took the one I had given her and placed it with the others. Then I took the one she stole back.
I came back later to find she had taken out both toys AND the bag of catnip. She's lucky she didn't rip open the bag or she would be in big trouble. I had to hide the bin in my room. Such a heartless kitty. Stealing toys that were going to go to homeless cats. ~
Trying to steal the catnip bag. |
Rolling around... |
Still rolling... |
Lurking. |
Honestly! Cats, they're so heartless! But then again I would have done the same if Mom was making dog toys for others!
I know! I can't believe she stole the toys from those poor kitties...