Friday, January 17, 2014

Three Years Already?

Wow. We've had Cherry for three years now. I remember the day we brought her home. I think now will be a nice time to write how I chose her. I can't remember if I've told you guys that story before, but it's a cute story.

Taken today; Age: 3 1/2
Anyway, Casie died on January 3rd, 2011. I was distraught. The only thing that could make me feel better was looking up cats that needed homes and looking through my book of cat breeds. I wasn't trying to replace Cas, I just couldn't deal with not having a cat. When Casie died, I realized how safe she made me feel. I couldn't sleep knowing there wasn't anyone there beside me. Woody isn't normally allowed upstairs in my room(not my choice), but for the two weeks when we didn't have a cat, he slept on my bed. I couldn't sleep otherwise.

So, by that night, we sent in a form to adopt a cat. It took two weeks for us to finally be able to go. We went on Martin Luther King Jr's day, so there was no school. I think it was a Monday. I was so excited. You have absolutely no idea how long I had waited to go and pick out a pet that would be all my choice. We got to the shelter and they asked what age we were looking for. My parents really didn't want a kitten, so we looked at the adolescent cats. I think they were probably 6 months and up.

Taken today
The first cat that I seriously considered was not Cherry. His name was Prince. He came right up to me as soon as I entered the room and he was so affectionate. The reason I didn't pick him was because he jumped out of my arms when I picked him up. I wanted a cat that I could hold. There really weren't many cats that caught my eye. A lot of them were pretty shy and some were fast asleep. I admit that I was kind of staying away from the black and black&white cats because I wanted something a bit more cool looking. I mean, Casie was pretty cool looking. Don't get me wrong, there's no way I was picking a cat based solely on looks. I'm a bit believer in letting an animal choose you. Also, Prince was a black and white cat. I liked him because he came right up to me.

Cherry was not my second choice either. I kind of wandered around picking up cats to see which one wanted to be held. I didn't do that for long and ended up picking up a feather toy. Cherry went right after it. She was the one chasing the toy in circles and falling over with dizziness. It was adorable. I picked her up and she flopped right over. I knew she was the one. I'll never regret that decision. She is the sweetest thing ever.

Within a few hours of bringing her home, she was already curled up in my arms fast asleep. She was still pretty wild though. I barely slept that night. She woke me up at 5am and I just decided to get up and feed her. Luckily, it was a snow day. But you know what? I couldn't have cared less about sleep. I had a cat again. And she was pretty awesome.

First picture of her I took

First day home; Age: 7 months

First day home

First day home

First day home

First day home

Now, I seriously need to update the header image and stuff. I hope to get that done maybe this week. I start classes Tuesday and this weekend I have three midterms to finish so I can withdraw from my old school. Once I see how my schedule works out this week, I'll make a decision on blogging. I want to start again because I've got so many cute videos of Cherry. She's also picked up some new tricks. ;)

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