Monday, September 23, 2013

My Cat is a Druggie

I think a little bit of background information is necessary for this story. I have one of those plastic drawer things with three drawers. In the first two I keep my make up, nail polish, lotion, hair dryer, straightener, other various girl stuff, etc. In the bottom drawer I keep my fish tank stuff, cat treats, cat nip, nail clippers for the cat, Cherry's toothbrush, etc. With these drawers, if you leave one open you can access the drawer under it if you go behind the drawers. I always forget about this.

So Saturday was my cousin's wedding(Woo!) and I had opened the middle drawer because I was using my hair dryer and straightener. I left the drawer open. I was gone for hours on Saturday and when I came home late at night I noticed there were two bags of catnip on the floor. I rolled my eyes because Cherry does this all the time. I find the bags all over. Usually she just carries them around and then leaves them wherever.

Not this time. This time she ripped one of the bags open. There was catnip all over my rug, clothes, etc. It was way too late for me to clean it up, so I went to bed. Yesterday morning when I woke up I noticed it was everywhere. Cherry even had the audacity to roll around in it while I was trying to vacuum it up. That little devil.

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